Hey there!

I’m Alana Emily

I’m an Ayurvedic Consultant, Yoga Teacher, and Earth wanderer.

My purpose in this lifetime is to help people remember how intrinsically connected to nature we are. I love the idea of returning to our roots and reviving the simple ways of living that ancestors from every culture have passed down to us.

I want to bring these ancient teachings to modern people with busy, chaotic lives.

Does that sound like you?

I have always felt called to heal and teach, I just didn’t know how…

I took my first yoga class in 2017 and fell in love with my teacher (literally) and the practice. I knew instantly that I wanted to one day guide others in a similar way.

Initially I was introduced to yoga as a physical practice that didn’t delve much deeper than asana and pranayama. When I began to explore further, I discovered spiritual practices that aligned with everything I already knew about the world. It turns out, ancient knowledge systems make a whole lot of sense! From there I went on to train as a yoga teacher, where suddenly I was immersed in a community of holistic and spiritual practitioners. I learned so much. This included my introduction to Ayurveda, which eventually led me to take a diploma in Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle.

I love to teach but I think the most magical thing about being human is our access to endless learning. Therefore, I’m a lifelong student and feel particularly driven to understand ancient systems of knowledge used by our ancestors.

I believe that unlike modern medicine, ancient and indigenous medicines do not separate mind, body, and soul. They do not isolate one symptom from another. They take a completely holistic approach that sees humans as a whole system, acknowledging Nature as our greatest healer, regardless of spiritual beliefs.

I’m aware that the knowledge systems that I share and teach from have origins in cultures that aren’t mine. It’s really important to me that I acknowledge and respect the roots of these wonderful practices.

My (ever-expanding) qualifications are:

Yoga Teacher (200hr RYT)

Tantra Vinaysa Hatha trained with Anahata Yoga Shala, Koh Phangan (Yoga Alliance Registered school) 2019.

Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultant

Awarded Distinction for a diploma in Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle from The School of Ayurveda, UK 2022.

Reiki Level 1 Practitioner

Trained by Esther Monden, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. Koh Phangan, Thailand, 2019.

A bit more about me:

I feel most content when I’m alone in the depths of the forest. I’m queer, and have been vegan for 7 years because I care deeply about treating all life and our planet with compassion. My interests include hiking, bouldering, off the beaten path traveling, sitting in indie coffee shops, and losing track of time in creaky bookstores.

I’m currently residing in the beautiful countryside of Shropshire, UK with my wonderful partner (and personal photographer) but wandering the world is when I feel most at ‘home’. I’ve also lived in New Zealand, USA, Thailand, and Berlin and plan to explore much more of the planet. I’ve worked in lots of different jobs on my travels, including nannying, serving gelato, making coffee, and teaching yoga in hostels, all in an effort to find my true calling. Often, I suspect it might be living in an off-grid witch’s cabin in the woods. But realistically, my calling is to guide and empower people. Perhaps I can do both?